Howtat Contract Services
Blk 9010 #04-115
Tampines St. 93
Singapore 528844
Aloysius Tan : 96980360
讲华语客户 Mr. Tan : 90068115

Call us or use this form to arrange for an appointment to view your furniture and give you a personalized quotation**, all at your convenience in your home or office so that you do not need to shift the furniture before the details are finalized.

(Example: Single picture or Zip folder containing multiple pictures Maximum size 20MB)

Quotations: Prices for our services vary from item to item, depending on the kind of work required for each individual piece. This is why we offer non-obligatory consultation services with minimum fees on or off-site.

** FurnitureReborn reserves the right to reject any project at our own discretion. Consultation appointments are subject to the availability of staff. We further reserve the right to reschedule pre-arranged appointments, subject to the mutual agreement of the client and service provider, for reasons of our own discretion. There will be a 50% deposit upon confirmation.